Draper Museum Raptor Experience
Isham: Red-tailed Hawk
About the Bird:
Isham is a male Red-tailed Hawk who hatched in 2001 or 2002. He was found in Tiejeras, New Mexico, after being hit by a car. The resulting damage required removing his right eye.
General Species Info:
The Red-tailed Hawk is one of the most widely distributed hawks in North America. They are found throughout much of Canada and the United States and are also scattered throughout Central America and the West Indies.
Red-tailed Hawks live in a large variety of habitats, including deserts, scrublands, grasslands, roadsides, fields and pastures, parks, broken woodland, and (in Mexico) tropical rainforest.
Mammals make up the bulk of most Red-tailed Hawk meals. Mice, voles, rats, rabbits, hares, and ground squirrels make excellent meals. These hawks also eat other birds, including pheasants, grouse, and songbirds, as well as snakes.
Notes from Staff:
Isham is a veteran of many programs and is very easy to work with. He likes to talk to his caretakers behind the scenes, especially at dinnertime!