There hasn’t been a whole lot going on around here recently. At least, that’s the way it feels most of the day. My interns, Nate and Pat, are done for the summer and will soon be returning to their studies at the University of Wyoming. I think they are both planning on coming back at Christmas to help us, though. Not only will there be birds here, but there will be fun and exciting work to help with for the golden eagle research project. I look forward to seeing them again already.
Before their last day, however, the interns helped me with an open house for the employees here at the Center. We invited everyone to come out and see the mews. Most of the employees were expecting a small building, something like a chicken coop, that would be attached to the existing building. Boy were they surprised! We had a great turnout and everyone seemed very impressed.
Obviously, since we had “guests” coming to visit, the mews are completely finished and they are amazing! The guys that built it did a great job and the interns really made the interior home for the birds. I almost hate to put birds in there to get it all messy. —Not really. I can’t wait for there to be poop on the walls :0)
So, mews are finished, freezer is installed and running, birds’ food has been ordered and should arrive tomorrow, all our supplies are here and ready. At this point, all we are waiting on is the state permits.
Keep your fingers crossed that they come soon!