The American Robin (Turdus migratorius) may be the most common bird in the USA. They are a frequent sight almost everywhere in the lower 48 states. Though they are comfortable […]
The Draper Museum Raptor Experience
The Draper Museum Raptor Experience is an exciting live raptor education program at the Draper Natural History Museum in Cody, Wyoming. The Draper is one of five museums at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West, which embraces the Spirit of the American West. What better way to celebrate the wildness of this wonderful area than by sharing some of its most spectacular wild animals with our guests. Visitors to the Center have the unique opportunity to get an up close and personal view of some of Wyoming’s most recognized predators – the birds of prey!
Equipment of a Raptor Handler
Many individuals are fascinated by birds of prey and many facilities do educational programs with their live Avian Ambassadors. Working with raptors in captivity requires lots of animal behavior training […]
Red-winged Blackbirds: An Early Sign of Spring
Conk-la-ree! I hear it before I see it. Looking up I spot a Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) perched in the leafless tree above me. It is intently watching me as […]
Poisonous Birds
When people think of poisonous animals birds do not typically come to mind. Nevertheless there are a few birds that are poisonous. In his blog I will discuss six poisonous […]
Common Raven: Do They Sing and Other Interesting facts
When it comes to ravens, it seems that people’s opinions range from hate to love. How about you? What do you think of when you hear the word raven? I […]
What are Preening and Rousing?
“Why did that bird shake?” This is a question I am occasionally asked when a visitor observes one of our birds ruffling up its feathers and shaking. Our Peregrine Falcon, […]