Immerse your students in an interactive, participatory, standards-based experience curriculum about the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem’s ecology. This curriculum is ideal for elementary and middle school students and meets national, Wyoming, and Montana science benchmarks and standards. The resources include grade appropriate content, 360 photos, videos, other multimedia, and assessments for your classroom.
As you navigate this curriculum, click on the heading or animals below. You can also start in the “Welcome to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem” and click on the link at the end of this and each adventure to travel to your next destination.

360 Adventure: Welcome to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Start your adventure here to discover why the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is unlike any other place on Earth.

360 Adventure: Alpine
It’s time to climb into our first habitat–the alpine habitat way up at the top of the mountains!

360 Adventure: Mountain Forest
As we leave the alpine habitat and head down the mountain, let’s stop and explore the mountain forest.

360 Adventure: Mountain Meadow
Sometimes we can find water along the edges of these habitats. Let’s explore the mountain meadow.

360 Adventure: Plains Basin
It’s been an amazing adventure! We will end in the plains basin or high desert habitat.