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What will you see?

Firearms have existed for hundreds of years and play integral roles in countless narratives that address conflict, war, individual usage and ownership, manufacturing, sport, science, technology, and art. Our Cody Firearms Museum  celebrates this diversity in firearms history. Here are a few highlights from our recently renovated museum.

Gatling gun. 1988.8.2626

U.S. Model 1875 Gatling Battery Gun

Richard Gatling received the patent for his gun in 1862—an impressive military firearm for its rapid rate of fire. Its use is often sensationalized through popular culture, but it saw use during early examples of trench warfare during the Civil and Spanish American wars.

John Moses Browning Workshop

The John Moses Browning Workshop exhibit highlights the life and designs of one of the top firearms and ammunition designers in the world. Examples of his designs can be seen in the exhibit. Read more about one of Browning’s designs.

Blunderbuss. 1986.16.1

Ornamental Blunderbuss, a Royal Gift

Originally presented to Louis XV of France by Catherine the Great of Russia, this historic firearm represents the association of two great dynasties of the 18th century. The blunderbuss is inlaid with a silver portrait bust of Louis XV forward of the breech.

Looking for more highlights throughout the Center?

There are abundant and amazing treasures to be found throughout the Center of the West’s five, world-class museums. Find a sampling of objects in each museum by checking out our Highlights Map.

BUFFALO BILL CENTER OF THE WEST ◦ 720 Sheridan Avenue ◦ Cody, WY 82414 ◦ 307-587-4771Contact Us
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