Vultures are one of the most misunderstood and least appreciated birds in the avian world. Many of the opinions formed by people are based on the way vultures are portrayed […]

Anne Hay volunteers for the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in Cody Wyoming, she works with the Draper Museum Raptor Experience as both a "mobile perch" and a blogger.
by Anne Hay
Vultures are one of the most misunderstood and least appreciated birds in the avian world. Many of the opinions formed by people are based on the way vultures are portrayed […]
by Anne Hay
By the middle of the twentieth century, the peregrine falcon was placed on the Endangered Species List, due to a sharp decline in its population. This decline was caused by […]
by Anne Hay
It’s a common belief that great horned owls are nocturnal, although they are actually crepuscular, which means they prefer to hunt dusk and dawn. They will, however, also hunt in […]
by Anne Hay
When visitors first see Isham, our red-tailed hawk, often the first thing I hear is, “We have lots of these back home.” That is probably true, as red-tailed hawks are […]
by Anne Hay
Each year when December rolls around, the Buffalo Bill Center of the West helps the people of Cody and the nearby towns celebrate the Christmas season with an open house. […]
by Anne Hay
How would you react if a turkey vulture with a five-foot wing span flew directly toward you? More than likely you would react the same way the guests standing nearby […]