Card, Helen L. "Frederic Remington, 1861-1909: Artist Historian of the Old West." Scrapbooks of Remington illustrations, compiled c. 1944. Vol. 1-5. The Metropolitan Musem of Art, New York, New York. [clear]
Viewing 2017 - 2112 of 2278 artworks

The Outlaw (Heroes, Heroes--Mountain Lion in the Snow, alterns.)
Taken from illustration

"It Was One of These . . . . . That Caused Him to Rein up His Horse So Suddenly"
Taken from illustration

The Farmer Gave Me a Hen. She Is Sitting. . . I Cannot Disturb Her
Taken from illustration

Untitled ("Billy's Tearless Woe," titlepiece, waving man and dog)
Taken from illustration

"'Twas Heartrendin, the Way Little Jake Pleaded Wid the Corporal . . . for the Immejit Ixecution av Thunder Bird and His Whole Followin'"
Taken from illustration

Then He Very Slowly Turned Round in His Saddle and Stared back Steadily at Me. "There's Two of Them," He Said
Taken from illustration

Desperate Riding in the Cattle Country--A Cowpony Caught in a Gopher Hole
Taken from illustration

"In the Supreme Court of His Heart He Had Filed a Protest Against Civilization"
Taken from illustration
Viewing 2017 - 2112 of 2278 artworks
The information presented here is based on the Catalogue Raisonné edited by Peter Hassrick in 2016 and was accurate to the best of our knowledge at that time.