Remington, Frederic. Done in the Open: Drawings by Frederic
Remington. New York: P. F. Collier & Son, Publishers, 1902. [clear]
Viewing 1 - 30 of 30 artworks

The Outlaw (Heroes, Heroes--Mountain Lion in the Snow, alterns.)
Taken from illustration

The Farmer Gave Me a Hen. She Is Sitting. . . I Cannot Disturb Her
Taken from illustration

"'Twas Heartrendin, the Way Little Jake Pleaded Wid the Corporal . . . for the Immejit Ixecution av Thunder Bird and His Whole Followin'"
Taken from illustration

Desperate Riding in the Cattle Country--A Cowpony Caught in a Gopher Hole
Taken from illustration
Viewing 1 - 30 of 30 artworks
The information presented here is based on the Catalogue Raisonné edited by Peter Hassrick in 2016 and was accurate to the best of our knowledge at that time.