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Plains Indians and the Buffalo

Buffalo—the ultimate resource for survival

Imagine not being able to buy your clothes, tools, food, and household items at a store! During this 3045 minute virtual field trip, students will discover that many Plains Indian tribes relied on buffalo to thrive for thousands of years as the presenter introduces them to our hands-on collection pieces. Students will also consider contemporary Plains Indian cultures and how the buffalo is still important today.

How did Plains Indians use the fur, hide, sinew, bones, and even bladder of the buffalo in their everyday lives? The lesson meets several Common Core Standards as well as national standards in history and social studies.

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YouTube videos

Plains Indians and the Buffalo
Grade Level: K–12

Length: 45 minutes (35 of instruction & 5–10 for questions)

Learning Objectives:
BUFFALO BILL CENTER OF THE WEST ◦ 720 Sheridan Avenue ◦ Cody, WY 82414 ◦ 307-587-4771Contact Us
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