Originally published in Points West magazine in Spring 2008
William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody in front of Wild West tent
In a story that appeared in the February 20, 1946, issue of the newspaper The Cody Enterprise—an issue commemorating the one hundredth birthday of William F. “Buffalo Bill” later that same month (February 26)—the great showman himself was quoted as having had an intriguing response to a complaint about the wind in Cody, Wyoming.
Yes, Buffalo Bill Cody reportedly told a disgruntled man from Denver,
“Do you know how that wind is caused? Well, you see…being so near paradise, it is caused by the angels flapping their wings as they fly about.”
William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody is pictured here in front of his personal Wild West tent on a not-so-windy day around 1905. MS 6 William F. Cody Collection, McCracken Research Library. P.69.953
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