Some of you might not be aware that Suli, the Raptor Experience’s turkey vulture, turned three earlier this month. Just like every three-year-old in America, we felt she needed to have a birthday party to mark this milestone and we wanted it to be a BIG deal. So for weeks, we planned, built, tested, and schemed to come up with a party fit for a vulture of Suli’s discerning tastes. Not to toot our own horns, but I think we succeeded. . .
About Melissa Hill
While earning her Bachelor's Degree in Wildlife Management at the University of Wyoming, Melissa began volunteering at Laramie Raptor Refuge and was instantly hooked on birds of prey.
Since those early days, she has worked with nearly 70 different raptors at four different raptor education groups in three states. She is a former member of the Education Committee for the International Association of Avian Trainers and Educators (IAATE) and a National Association for Interpretation's Certified Interpretive Guide.
When she's not "playing with the birds" she enjoys spending time quilting, crocheting, and exploring the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem with her non-bird family.