Here are some facts you might not know about birds of prey
- FACT #1: There are 30 species of hawks, falcons, and eagles as well as 18 species of owls breeding in North America.
- FACT #2: The scientific name of turkey vultures, Cathartes aura, means “purifying breeze” which reflects vultures’ ability to clean-up animal remains.
- FACT #3: The bald eagle has 7,192 feathers. Feathers on a bird are not evenly distributed. They grow in distinct tracts or lines, with large areas of bare skin that help cool the bird.
- FACT #4: Most birds do not make it past their first winter. This is usually due to predation or starvation.
- FACT #5: Kestrels can see ultraviolet light which allows them to see trails of urine left by their prey, ultimately leading this small falcon to dinner.
- FACT #6: Birds of prey have very strong instincts and are very good hunters. Each has his own personality and hunting style, just as people do.
- FACT #7: Falcon eyes are fifteen times proportionally larger than a humans.