As the summer progressed, I began to stress more about the fact that my interns from the University of Wyoming weren’t actually getting the internship they were supposed to have. They are here to participate in a raptor education program, but, as you know, we have no birds in our possession at this point for the Draper Museum Raptor Experience.
Fortunately, they are two very hard working and easy going young men who are happy to help with whatever we need. Nate has a lot of experience with construction and carpentry and Pat has experience with media and all things outdoors. They have been such a tremendous help with the construction of the mews, monitoring golden eagle nests, building travel boxes for the birds, and preparing informative presentations to give to the public. I hope that they get as much out of their internship (although slightly different from the original plan) as I have and that they manage to learn a lot about birds of prey.
Thanks, Nate and Pat! We are truly thankful for your help and enthusiasm!