Yellowstone Grizzly Bears: Draper Natural History Museum Bear Safety Videos
Be Safe in Bear Country
The Yellowstone region offers some of the most beautiful scenery and amazing wildlife you’ll find anywhere—including grizzly bears. The Draper Natural History Museum, Wyoming Game and Fish, and the U.S. Forest Service invite visitors to enjoy their stay and practice bear safety while visiting the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Grizzlies can be dangerous and there are some things you need to know to avoid conflicts with them to protect both you and the bears as well. Here are video instructions on how to act, hike, and camp in bear country.
Introduction: Bear Safety
“Bear Jams”
“Hey Bear” hiking
Bear awareness while camping
Don’t feed the bears
These videos are brought to you by Draper Natural History Museum, Wyoming Game and Fish, and the U.S. Forest Service. Visit the Draper Natural History Museum for more information on grizzly bears and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.